
Showing posts from March, 2018

Christian Symbology

Christ is the ego. The Cross is the body. When the ego is crucified, and it perishes, what survives is the Absolute Being (God), (cf. "I and my Father are one") and this glorious survival is called Resurrection. Talks with Ramana Maharshi, (Talk no. 86) 6th November, 1935.

The Supreme Yoga

“ Fixing the mind on the mind is the Supreme Yoga. ”   (Uddhava Gita, Ch. 18; v. 46, last line)

Sad Vidya 20

Sad Vidya - 20. God is none other than the Self. To see the Self, having destroyed the ego, is to see God; all else is but a vision of the mind. - Ramana Maharshi


Everything, in the three worlds, moving and fixed, arises from omkāra. Dhyānabindu Upaniṣad v. 16 Trans. MWright (cf. Bhagavad Gita 11.7)

State Supreme

2. On three entities — the individual, God and the world — every creed is based. That ‘the One becomes the three’ and that ‘always the three are three’, are said only while the ego lasts. To lose the ‘I’ and in the Self to stay is the State Supreme.  from Ramana Maharshi's "Truth Revealed" (Sad Vidya)