Sri Shirdi Sai Baba states that inner enemies must be controlled, but he also allows that " can (and must) use them, ... within limits. e.g., Kama (love, passion) for one's partner, krodha (anger) against unrighteousness, Lobha (greed) for Hari Nama, uttering God’s name, Moha (fondness) for Mukti (salvation), Matsar (hatred) for evil action; and have no mada (pride)." (Sai Baba's Charters and Sayings) [note: the number of ripus (enemies) mentioned can vary dependent on stress/interpretation of any given Sage. Here, Sai Baba mentions all six enemies (shadripu). Sri Ramakrishna often laid stressed on kAma and lobha [the others left unsaid but understood]. The core ripus (shadripu) - kAma (desire, longing, passion), krodha (anger), lobha (greed, covetousness, confusion), moha (attachment, delusion of mind), mada (pride), matsara (jealousy and/or hatred). Although kAma (passion) is sometimes presented as enemy number one, in truth, without moha (delusion of min