
Essence of Instruction - Upadesa Saram - Ramana Maharshi

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Ego Delay

Delay is the not so subtle ploy of the ego.

Truth Trumps Falsehood

satyam eva jayate nAnritam Truth alone triumphs, never falsehood.  (Mundaka Upanisad 3. 6)  In Truth, there can be no competition. Truth is immediate and insurmountable.

In Ignorance

In ignorance, ego-self assumes a stance separate from everything else. Then, in error, looks at, and acts upon, this falsely perceived separate universe.

Obsessing Mind

It is pointless to obsess over the words of others while the obsessing mind remains unknown.

Sushupti is the pure state

Mr.C. sat near the Maharshi couch and read aloud the following verse from Vivekachudamani : “The blissful sheath ( Anandamayakosha ) has its fullest play in deep sleep, whilst in the dream and waking states it has only a partial manifestation, occasioned by the experience of agreeable objects.” Bhagavan commented: “In sushupti (deep sleep) one enjoys a whole ocean of bliss like a king; whereas in the other two states the range of bliss is as wide as are the classes of men, from the king down to the penniless.” Mr. C. Sushupti is often characterised as the state of ignorance. Bh. No, it is the pure state. There is full awareness in it and total ignorance in the waking state. It is said to be ajnana (ignorance) only in relation to the false jnana (knowledge) prevalent in jagrat . Really speaking jagrat is ajnana and sushupti prajnana (wisdom). If sushupti is not the real state where does the intense peace come from to the sleeper? It is everybody's experience that n...

Essence of Instruction Free Download

------------------ Verse 1 karturAjnayA prApyatephalam |  karmakimparamkarmatajjaDam || The fruit (of action) is obtained by the order of the Lord of Action (Creator). Is action supreme? (No!!) Action is inert. --- Notes Action, although a power of the Self, is, by itself, insentient, temporary, and powerless. As such, action is unable to bestow fruits now or at any time in the future. Action is dependent. It is not supreme. The ‘kartr’ (Lord of Action), referred to in this verse, is the ‘one who acts, spontaneously, of his own accord, without prompting by the ego’ (i.e. the great non-Doer). It is the Lord alone, dwelling as the inner Self of all, who guides everything yet never acts. If you believe that you, are the person, capable of acting independently, the chain of cause and effect, having been set in motion, becomes your reality. As the doer of action you become accountable for action and also the recipient of the fruits of ...