

External samadhi is holding on to the Reality while witnessing the world, without reacting to it from within. There is the stillness of a waveless ocean. The internal samadhi involves loss of body- consciousness. - Ramana Maharshi in Talks #406

Mind is Atman

From Talk 25 - "If the enquiry into the ultimate cause of manifestation of mind itself is pushed on, mind will be found to be only the manifestation of the Real which is otherwise called Atman or Brahman."  - Ramana Maharshi

Who am I?

Who Am I? is the question.

Cosmick Laughter

SURRENDER to the  Cosmick Laughter.

Wu - a rice cake of nothingness

Wu is like a dog with a mouthful of hot sticky rice cake. It's far too hot to swallow and far too sticky to spit out. And yet a solution to the predicament must be found. ( Master Dahui Zonggao)

Supreme Bhakti

bhAvaSUnyasad bhAvasusthitih / bhAvanAbalAd bhaktiruttamA // A supreme Bhakti arises because of strength of meditation, an excellent state of Being which is devoid of appearances.  (Upadesa Saram v. 9, trans. MWright)

Ever Alone

Alone, In Bliss, Uncontaminated.