
Vichara Fodder

The idea 'non-duality' is only valid as opposition to 'duality'. Both are vichara fodder, no more no less.

Survival of the self

Survival of self, the ego, is, in itself, a fiction. Reflected light cannot radiate without the benefit of  the source of that light. \m/ 

vichara vahita

vicāra vāhana vāhita "Driven off by the vehicle of Self Enquiry."

Hear the Way and Follow It

The Sage Gautama once spoke a parable, in order to discourage questions about the origin of bondage; he said: “Here you are, bound hand and foot by desire and fear, and here is the straight path to Deliverance. You ask questions about how you came to be bound. They are irrelevant. You should be content to know how you can become free. Do not act like the man who died because he raised untimely questions, and insisted on getting answers. He was going through a forest. An enemy who was waiting for him in an ambush shot him with a poisoned arrow. Accidentally the wounded man was seen by a friend, who went and spread the news. Soon his kinsmen came to him with all necessary appliances. They wanted to pull out the arrow and apply antidotes, to save his life. But the wounded man prevented them, saying ‘You must first inquire and find out all possible details about the enemy — whether he is of high or low caste, tall or short, fair or dark and so on — and about the a

Who Enquires?

An important point and one that continues to cause confusion. " Dr. Srinivasa Rao asked Bhagavan, “When we enquire within ‘who am I?’ what is that?” Bhagavan: It is the ego. It is only that which makes the vichara also. The Self has no vichara. That which makes the enquiry is the ego. The ‘I’ about which the enquiry is made is also the ego. As the result of the enquiry the ego ceases to exist and only the Self is found to exist." Day By Day 21-11-45

Alchemists All

Transmuting lead into gold, Forged in the fire of Vicara,  Deep ... In the cave of the Heart. Alchemists one and all,  Having taken refuge in Him,  Multiplicity melts.  - MWright 2002

Vichara Practice

Noticing the to-ing and fro-ing of the mind, the vigilant one immediately practices vichara. But the quieted mind, having no distractions, has no need to practice. (cf. Ashtavakra Samhita, Chapter 18, stanza 17)