
Complete understanding in the blink of an eye. Devoid of linearity. It has nothing to do with reason per se and yet reason can point to it. Although the meanings of the individual words contribute to the ‘flash’ it is quite different from them and can flash even before the utterance has been completed.

Pure Pratibhā is the individual's experience of suchness. Pratibhā is not limited to words and sentences. It is the innate 'shining' principle in all living beings. By means of Pratibhā the spontaneous natural behaviour of all birds and animals takes place without instruction or any other prompting. It is the reason the Indian cuckoo sings in Spring, for example. Although any experience of Pratibhā is uniquely interpreted, by each and every individual, words can be used to convey it. Words, bound by time and space, point to it, but, on their own, never give a true representation of it. Pratibhā on the part of the hearer [or reader, viewer, etc.] is required. In essence, it is the necessary contribution of one's unadulterated inner Self, in the form of intuition, which reveals the complete, and indivisible meaning without pandering to time and space. Bhartrhari writes: "“The power which resides in words is the sole cause of this universe. Led by the intuitive self, this appearance of division is understood.” (Vakyapadiya 1.118)

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