Where Words and Mind Turn Back
यतः वाचः अप्राप्य मनसा सह निवर्तन्ते।
ब्रह्मणः आनन्दं विद्वान् कुतश्चन न बिभेति।
yataḥ vācaḥ aprāpya manasā saha nivartante |
brahmaṇaḥ ānandaṁ vidvān kutaścana na bibheti |
(Taittiriya upanishad 11.9.1) (quoted in Talk 317)
From whence, unreachable, words are turned away along with the mind. One who knows that bliss of Brahman is never afraid of anything.
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Ramana Maharshi, in Talk 146:
"Reality is simply the loss of the ego. Destroy the ego by seeking its identity. Because the ego is no entity it will automatically vanish and Reality will shine forth by itself. This is the direct method."