Ramana Maharshi on Yoga

Talk 191.

Mr. Cohen, a resident disciple, was speaking of yoga method.

Maharshi remarked: Patanjali’s first sutra is applicable to all systems of yoga. The aim is the cessation of mental activities. The methods differ. So long as there is effort made towards that goal it is called yoga. The effort is the yoga.

The cessation can be brought about in so many ways.

(1) By examining the mind itself. When the mind is examined, its activities cease automatically. This is the method of jnana. The pure mind is the Self.

(2) Looking for the source of the mind is another method. The source may be said to be God or Self or consciousness.

(3) Concentrating upon one thought make all other thoughts disappear. Finally that thought also disappears; and

(4) Hatha Yoga.

All methods are one and the same inasmuch as they all tend to the same goal.

(Ramana Maharshi in Talks)
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Patanjali’s first and second sutras
1. atha yoganusasanam - “Now, the principle of yoga”
2. yogascittavrittinirodhah - “Yoga is the art of keeping mindstuff in check.”

“now” in the first sutra means exactly that “NOW”. i.e.. Not To be attended to at some time in the future, after thinking about it. NOW is the time....and yet people put it off with their humming and hawing. Waiting is mindstuff. “Yoga” is the means and now is always the time.
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