

Complete understanding in the blink of an eye. Devoid of linearity. It has nothing to do with reason per se and yet reason can point to it. Although the meanings of the individual words contribute to the ‘flash’ it is quite different from them and can flash even before the utterance has been completed. Pure Pratibhā is the individual's experience of suchness. Pratibhā is not limited to words and sentences. It is the innate ' shining ' principle in all living beings. By means of Pratibhā the spontaneous natural behaviour of all birds and animals takes place without instruction or any other prompting. It is the reason the Indian cuckoo sings in Spring, for example. Although any experience of Pratibhā is uniquely interpreted, by each and every individual, words can be used to convey it. Words, bound by time and space, point to it, but, on their own, never give a true representation of it. Pratibhā on the part of the hearer [or reader, viewer, etc.] is required. In essence

Non-duality in Action

The truth of non-duality The truth of Non-Duality is to be only meditated upon by the mind; do not do any action from belief in Non-Duality; the idea of Non-Duality is fit to be cherished in respect of all things whatsoever, but not with respect to the Guru. (Guru Ramana Vachana Mala, 209)  Sri K. Lakshmana Sarma's footnote to this verse notes that "the teaching that in the transcendental state, where the ego is not, there is only One Pure Consciousness, is given as an antidote to the superstition that duality is real, to those whom that superstition has enslaved; these are to get freed from it by meditation on it and the Quest; the teaching is  not  meant to be applied to actions, because actions proceed from the contrary idea that the doer is an individual; he is sure to misapply it and thus worsen the bondage he is in; the only one who cannot misapply it is the one that does not need the teaching -- the sage. It is regrettable that this salutary injunction is not wid

Without the Heart of a Jnani

If you take on the attitude of the jnani without the Heart of a jnani your words and actions will be anathema.


from Talk 429 In order to give up the sense of doership one must seek to find out who the doer is. Enquire within; the sense of doership will vanish. Vichara (enquiry) is the method. - Ramana Maharshi

Vichara Fodder

The idea 'non-duality' is only valid as opposition to 'duality'. Both are vichara fodder, no more no less.

Survival of the self

Survival of self, the ego, is, in itself, a fiction. Reflected light cannot radiate without the benefit of  the source of that light. \m/ 

vichara vahita

vicāra vāhana vāhita "Driven off by the vehicle of Self Enquiry."