Fix the mind on ‘me’


mayy eva mana ādhatsva mayi buddhiṁ niveśaya |

nivasiṣyasi mayy eva ata ūrdhvaṁ na saṁśayaḥ ||

Fix the mind on me alone, place the thought process in me.

Hereafter, without doubt, you will abide in me alone. 

(Bhagavad Gita 12.8,

- Trans. MWright)

Note: the thought process arises from “me”. Trace the source. Remain there. 

The above Verse from Bhagavad Gita verse is a concise description of vicāra (Self-enquiry). 


“Atma Vichara leads to the source of the ego. There the ego disappears. Remaining as that source the ego no longer arises.”

(Excerpt From Talks on Self Enquiry, Miles Wright & Gabriele Ebert)

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